Spina Bifida

Walking With Spina Bifida

A Day In The Life

By pwsadmin / August 7, 2021 / Comments Off on A Day In The Life

—A Day In The Life – Ostomy Care— When I started “Walking with Spina Bifida,” I wanted to tell about the “Normal” everyday life of someone disabled. The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. A “Tell All” of my life and what I deal with daily. I’ll go ahead and tell you now to scroll past…

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Urine Not Looking Good

By pwsadmin / July 10, 2021 / Comments Off on Urine Not Looking Good

First off, I feel fine.I am not running a fever, either. Today, this morning, really, my urine looked real bad. Like “Pet Milk.”It’s normal for me to have pus or mucus in my urine. (At least, that is what it looks like)Today, however, my urostomy bag looks like a bag full of Pet Milk. Since…

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Walking With Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida and The Outhouse

By pwsadmin / July 2, 2021 / Comments Off on Spina Bifida and The Outhouse

Being born with Spina Bifida, I wore a diaper for a good bit of my life.As a result, my restroom usage was a lot different than most other people.Meaning I don’t use the restroom in the same manner others do. I admit that I was born in the age of indoor plumbing.That’s what I got…

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