Christmas 2021

—Christmas 2021—

Christmas for a single fella’ who has no children and is Disabled is a bit different.

When I was a kid, I got Corrective Shoes and Diapers for Christmas.
I really shouldn’t leave that sentence like that. I got other things as well.
One year, I got a US Army outfit complete with the military backpack, BB Gun, canteen, and cooking kit. My Nana and Pawpaw bought me a toy monkey that year as well. Then, one year I got a BMX Bike. I still received a lot of things dealing with my Spina Bifida, though.

This year, I’ve handmade Snowglobes and handed them out as gifts to the people I love, and I’ve also played “Secret Santa” while out in restaurants by looking around for things like Hats that say, “I served in Vietnam and am Proud of it.”

“You need more coffee?”

“Yeah, and you see that fella’ with the hat?”

“The one I just served?”

“Yea. Bring me his ticket. All you have to tell him is ‘Somebody got your ticket. They have family who served in Vietnam as well.'”

And that’s it.

Now, I want you to know that I am in no way bragging about picking up a 12 dollar ticket.
I have no wife or children, so I do things differently for Christmas.
—Little Things. And, it might give a reader, who is in the same boat, some ideas that they can use. That’s all.

I handed out over 18 Snowglobes that I handmade.
I originally made 15 snowglobes, but then, by accident, I found five more empty, never used, snowglobes amongst the junk in my room. So, I ended up making 20. I still have a few to finish up.

I’ve attended several Christmas Parties.

One with several females, who adore me, and I love them. We ate at a Chinese Restaurant.
We got the big table that would seat twenty so that everyone could spread out, and I wouldn’t feel so claustrophobic.
That night was full of laughter and many, many, good, tight hugs. I felt very loved.

The “Foster/Thomas” Christmas Party was good.
I was a bit tired due to the fact that I got home the night before, around 10:30 PM. But, it was still filled with warmth and love even if I was give-out. —Momma and Papa loved it as well.

At the “Thomas” Christmas Party, I got to see a lot of families that I only see once a year. I also gave out many Snowglobes at that party.
The food was great as well as the company.
One of my Aunts suggested that I bring my “Famous” Cheese-Tray to next year’s Christmas Party. —I may just do that.

Then, we will have Christmas here between me, Papa, Mom, and my two nieces on Christmas Day.
I probably will not write about that, though, because it will just be a special time between us.

Then, also on Christmas Day, I’ll ride over to my Dad’s with my two nieces.
We will exchange gifts, eat, and hear laughter throughout the house.

Momma said that this would be the best Christmas since 2009, and I believe she was right.

Merry Christmas

—Pictured are my late brother, who passed in 2010, and me. Complete with US Army Uniforms, canteens, and a BB Gun.
—Also pictured is me holding the monkey given to me by Nana and Pawpaw.

Again, Merry Christmas
