
In one word, Scared.
Like a little kid who thinks the boogey monster lives under his bed. I’m scared.
Just standing up with my Walker feels like I’m on top of the Empire State Building.
Panic Attacks happen hourly.

But first, I need to explain what happened to me.

Around Halloween, the 28th or so, my body developed NASH.
It stands for Non-Alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver.
I had no idea this had happened. I’m not even a drinker. I hadn’t had a drop of alcohol in over ten years.
I hadn’t stopped because of a drinking problem. I just thought I’d give it up.
So, Cirrhosis was the last thing I thought would happen to me.

So, around the 28th, my liver quit working. I had no clue about this.
The liver filters out ammonia from the body, and my body was no longer filtering out ammonia. My Brain and Body became poisoned.
I began talking out of my mind, saying crazy things.
Even worse, Mom and Papa had left the house for a few days. —I was alone.
And with this world being the way it is, I walked around for several days talking out of my mind, and not one person thought to call 911. I guess I became one of the millions of mentally ill people just walking through this world.
I was walking around like one of the Aliens in “Men In Black.”

There are lots of people I need to mention and thank, but in this story, I’m not going to mention anyone. I just need to get the story out. You know who you are, though.

I got found. 911 did get called.
I was talking like a mean drunk on a binge.
By the time I got to the Hospital, I was in a Coma.
I remember bits and pieces of this portion of my life.

I’m going to stop right here because I’m tired.
And typing from a Hospital Bed or a Wheelchair isn’t fun.
I’ll have to get myself a Disabled Desk that my Wheelchair can pull up to.

I promise I will post often, but it’s going to take some time for me to adjust.
My goal is to get back to “Walking with Spina Bifida.”
It’s just going to take some time.

I love you,

