GI Bug Update

This “GI Bug” has gotten much better.
My abdomen is still very tender and sore.
In the beginning, 3 or 4 days ago, my abdomen felt like someone had beaten it. Now, though, my “abs” feel like they got beaten 3 or 4 days ago… Just sore.

I have an appointment this week with my Primary Care Doc. I’m hoping he can at least use his words to comfort me about what I just went through. It was “H-E-Double-Hockey-Stick…”
I’m seriously surprised that I didn’t wind up in the hospital. It was very painful. Painful, cold, hot, yet never did I run a fever. —Weird.

I found Gatorade Zero to be very beneficial. And not bad tasting at all.
I like the “Blue” flavor.
Growing up, we had the basic flavors: Cherry, Strawberry, Grape, and, I think, Raspberry. Oh, and Orange.
Now they have wild names like “Arctic Blast.”
So, I just say, “Blue.”

Last night, I did not even get close to staying up until midnight for the New Year. I was in bed by 6:30 pm.

Today, we ate the traditional New Year’s Foods such as Collard Greens, Black Eyed Peas, and Hog Jowl. Mom’s “Smokin’ Hot” cornbread was the star of the show, though.

I did take a shower and straightened my room up a bit today. That shows that I’m feeling somewhat better.

I’m going to go to bed early again tonight, but I wanted to post an update before doing so.
I’m still on the mend!

Happy New Year

Love you,

