—Momma’s Pecan Pie—
No true Southerner can call themselves a true Southerner without knowing how to make at least one type of Pie.
It doesn’t matter if it’s fruit or nut, just so’s they know how to cook one Pie.
So, I learned how to make a Pie. Pecan Pie, to be exact.
And, it’s delicious—if I do say so myself.
This is my Momma’s recipe, and Momma taught me how to make it.
And, I’m proud to say that I have made her Pecan Pie three times now; This last time, I didn’t even need the directions.
You want the secret recipe?
First, plant a Pecan Tree because fresh Pecans are the key.
Second, get you your own secret recipe. Momma’s recipe is going to stay a secret. With me, at least.
It is really delicious.
That’s all for now.
Love you,