Spring is in the air.
Trees are beginning to bloom.
The Sun was out.
The Sky, Speckled with its Clouds, was beautiful; It smelled beautiful.
The High was 79 out today.
“Tommy the Dawg” and I have gone on four or five drives the past two days. He loves it.
And I love watching him love it.
I roll the window down so he can stick his head out and feel the wind against his Jowls.
His restraint won’t let him put his head out past the mirror.
His tongue sticks to the side of his face as he rides with his head sticking out.
I do love watching him love it.
I’ve realized that Tommy thinks that he is the one rolling the window down.
I began backing out of my parking spot at Dollar General when I noticed Tommy intently staring at the window—Not out but AT the window.
I decided to sit in the parking spot and watch him.
His head tilted to one side.
“Well, that didn’t do it,” Tommy thought. (Yes. I am now making up what Tommy’s thinking. —As I often do.)
He puts his paw on the window.
“Hmm. Nope.”
He tilts his head to the other side, trying to use Jedi Mind Tricks.
“This usually works. What am I doing wrong here?”
He then taps the window with his nose.
I roll down the window.
“That’s it! I forgot. It’s the nose. Always use the nose. I’ll remember next time.”
I pat Tommy on the head.
“Good Dawg.”