Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

Spring is in the air.Trees are beginning to bloom.The Sun was out.The Sky, Speckled with its Clouds, was beautiful; It smelled beautiful.The High was 79 out today. “Tommy the Dawg” and I have gone on four or five drives the past two days. He loves it.And I love watching him love it. I roll the…
Read More—To Family and Friends Who Keep Up with My Health— I had a great appointment with my new Primary Care Physician.That’s a big deal.Anyone with something wrong with them will tell you it’s hard to find new doctors who work with their particular situation.It’s true.I’ve had doctors tell me they weren’t comfortable treating my problems…
Read MoreI’ve always liked Spinach. Always.I’ve always liked Kale too. Always.So does me, mom, and Niece Number One. So, one of us had the idea of cooking them together just as you would cook Spinach but add some fresh Kale to the mix.I tried it. Now, before I go any further, I need to say that…
Read MoreI woke up at 3 in the AM this morning. I inspected my wafers for Lenny and Squiggy and decided I needed to go ahead and change the wafers before going back to sleep. Every three days, I apply a new wafer, but sometimes they don’t even last 24 hours. “I just changed these things…
Read MoreI have a couple of things scheduled for today. First, I’m seeing a new Primary Care Doctor.You might remember me telling you about a new Primary Care Doc a few months back. Well, that didn’t work out. Sometimes, that happens.So, I’m seeing a new Primary Care Doc today. I’ve noticed throughout my life that these…
Read MoreHighway 160 is the main highway in this area. I believe it’s also one of the most dangerous roads in Alabama. There have been some horrible wrecks on 160.On average, I’d guess a wreck every ten days or so occurs on 160.The thing is, it’s pretty straight.So, since it’s straight, people go 70 on it,…
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