Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

—Mt. Airy 7/14/22— We pulled in later than I expected to “The Mayberry Motor Inn.” The Mayberry Motor Inn is the Primary Location we “TAGS Fans” stay when visiting Mt. Airy, NC. I had planned on pulling in around Noon EST, but traffic on the Interstate was backed up in many areas. On my way…
Read MoreThe latest on me.The combination of everything I’m doing seems to be working. A Hot Teabag, a Hot Wash Cloth, the Heating Pad, and the Antibiotics all seem to help. I should be better in time for my trip to Mt. Airy, NC., which is coming up. Here is a picture that isn’t too bad…
Read More♪There’s a Stye in my eye,♪ Sung to the tune of Hank Williams, “There’s a tear in my beer.” I have never had a Stye in my eye or Pink Eye. Until today. I woke up at about 5 AM and couldn’t open my left eye. It was swollen shut.I immediately freaked out and looked…
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