The Weinermobile

I couldn’t believe it. There it was. I was in Awe.

I was at Wal-Mart in Gardendale, Alabama, shopping.
My Uncle had reminded me that it was time to start my Garden.
I start by planting the seeds in pods and growing them indoors. Then, it’s Spring by the time they get ready to be planted outside in my “Disabled-Friendly” Garden.
So, I was shopping for seeds and the “Starting Kits” to plant the seeds in.

I had paid for everything and was pushing my buggy back to my vehicle when I saw ” it ” from the corner of my eye.

The colors Yellow, Orange, and Red, caught my eye.
I stopped pushing my buggy, turned, looked, and saw.
A grin grew on my face. I was in Awe.
Like a Kid, I left my buggy where it was and began walking to “it.”

I began singing the tune of my youth:

♪Oh, I’d love to be an Oscar Mayer wiener. That is what I’d truly like to be.
‘Cause if I were an Oscar Mayer wiener, Everyone would be in love with me.♪

I stood there and looked. I was in Awe.
It was the “Oscar Mayer Weinermobile.”
If you have never seen it in person, you’re missing out.
It makes you forget you’re an Adult and turns you into a Kid again.

I spoke to the two employees whose job it is to drive the “Weinermobile” across the Country in one year.
I was even able to stick my head inside to take a look and get a few pictures.

Believe it or not, the first “Weinermobile” was built in 1936.
I believe the first time I saw it was in the ’80s.
Then, I saw it again in the ’90s.
And yesterday, in the ’20s, I saw it once again.

I acted the same way all three times—like a Kid.

The two drivers said it’s a Great Company to work for and a Dream Job to have.
At night, they stay at a Hotel, and during the day, they drive from State to State, City to City, bringing smiles to everyone’s face.

Afterward, I walked back to my buggy, which had been sitting unattended a good 30 yards away for a good half hour, and pushed it back inside to buy a package of Oscar Mayer Weiners.

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