11/16/2023 – Morning

I woke up around 5:15 am with my Dawg “Tommy” staring at me.
I can tell when he’s staring at me. It even wakes me up.

I got dressed, got “Otis” up, and took “Tommy and Otis the Dawgs” outside.
They always get a treat when they go outside, and both sit and stare at me, waiting for their treat.
I give them their morning treat.

On the road, I drive through the country listening to a Book on Audible.
I turn into the Gas Station to get some gas and a drink.
On the way inside, an older man in his late 60s or early 70s tells me, “Good morning. Going to be a nice day out today.”
I think to myself that he’s too old to be working. “He should be retired,” I think to myself.

I tell him it’s going to be a Great Day today. He agrees as he holds the door open for me. I thank him for holding the door open.
He purchases his items and tells me goodbye. I tell him the same.
After returning to my truck, I head back home.
I’m on Chapter Three of my Book.

Back at home, I mumble, “It’s day four. Time to change my Wafers and Bags.” I begin getting Medical Supplies out of my Armoir, where I keep everything.
I get into the Shower.
After the Shower, I grab my Tools, such as Scissors and other items needed to change out my two Ostomies.
Afterward, I Brush my Teeth and finish getting dressed for the day.

After getting dressed, I go into Mom’s room, and we watch the newest “Frasier” Episode on Paramount Plus.
This has become our weekly tradition.
We both love the new Frasier.
I’ve kept up with Frasier since the “Frasier” Character starred on “Cheers” in the ’80s.

I’m now ready to get this day officially started.
I will begin by straightening up my room.

That’s all for now.

Love you,

