A Day In The Life

—A Day in The Life—

I started the day by getting up, showering, and dressing.
I brushed my teeth.
When it comes to mouthwash, I use two different types after brushing.
One is for your Breath.
The other is for your Gums. It, too, helps your Breath.

After making my bed, I got the shopping list from our Alexa app.
I get in the truck and head to “The Pig.”

Along the way, my Blood Sugar App goes off, telling me my Blood Sugar is low.
I stop at the Stop Sign.
After looking in the vehicle, I see a Mt. Dew bottle lying on the floorboard.
I grab it and take a swig.
After taking the swig of Pee, I quickly spit it all out of my mouth.
I wash my hands, face, and body off with the alcohol napkins I keep with me in the truck.

“Dang, I gotta remember to throw those away.”
I grab a Diet Coke and swig my mouth out with it.
I return home to take another shower, brush my teeth, and gargle with my two different Mouthwashes.

I continue back to “The Pig.”
At “The Pig,” I grab a fresh bottle of Mt. Dew from their Fridge and carry it with me as I shop.
I sip on it.
They also have 1 Dollar Hot Dogs for shoppers to take and eat as they shop.
I decided to stick with just my Mt. Dew.

When I shop, I go in, grab what I need, and get out.
The shopping list, however, is not in any order.
I have to go from one side of the store to the other side of the store over and over.
After an hour of shopping, I checked out at the front.
I’m sure things got forgotten and were not on the list. I’m sure I’ll have to go back.
My Blood Sugar is now normal by this time.
I return home and unload my truck.

And now, I’m off to the “Huddle House” for a Steak and Hashbrowns—great Protein and Carbs.

Then, I’m headed to the Car Wash to Clean and vacuum my truck—it smells funky.
