Majestic Pies

—Majestic Pies—

Every Town should have a local joint to hang out at.
A place where you can go to unwind, have a drink, eat some Great Food, and see your neighbors and friends. A place where you can Laugh, Sing, and Cheer for your team as you watch them play on the TV. Hug someone you Love. Say the words, “I love you.”

Enter “Majestic Pies.”

The theme music of “Cheers” came to mind when I first entered the doors.

Cheers Theme Lyrics:
♪Sometimes you wanna go
Where everybody knows your name
And they’re always glad you came
You wanna be where you can see (ah-ah)
Our troubles are all the same (ah-ah)
You wanna be where everybody knows your name.♪

Majestic Pies is a Local Joint located in Morris, Alabama. Local to me, that is.
I consider it “Local” for several areas: Morris, Kimberly, Warrior, and even Hayden, Alabama. These towns are scrunched up next to one another.

I’ve been to Majestic Pies three times now, and I admit that I love the place.

The first time I visited was with my Oldest Brother. Four people came over to our table to say “Hey” to my Brother. They were people he knew: Friends.
I noticed three people I knew who stopped by to get Take-Out.
It was a great outing with great food. And Laughter was heard throughout the night.

As the name suggests, Majestic Pies is an Italian Restaurant featuring a large selection of Pizzas and other Italian Dishes.
The Pizzas have a Special Mixture of Cheeses—a lot of Cheese.
—And the Cheese is delicious. It’s not your usual “Pizza Chain” Cheese.
Someone took the time to create a “Special Blend” of Cheeses for this Pizza, and it is delicious.

The Cheese stretches from your mouth to the Pizza. It stretches and stretches. —And like Love, it doesn’t break.
I asked what cheeses they use, and, with a smile on her face, my waitress told me, “It is a ‘Special blend.'”

If you like extra Cheese, you’ll love this Pizza. All the Pizzas come with a lot of Cheese. My waitress tells me that some people still ask for extra Cheese, and the Crew is Happy to give it to them.

They have many Beers on Tap at the Bar and a nice Wine List.
The Menu itself is Straightforward. Some Restaurants have too much on their Menu, but not here. The Menu is just right.

Each time I’ve visited, I wanted to try the Wings. But when I got there, I ended up trying other foods and forgot all about trying the Wings. I’m told the Wings are Delicious.
I’ll try them next time.

So far, I’ve had Four Pizzas, a Cheese Steak Sandwich, Lasagna, a Salad, and the Triple Chocolate Cheese Cake. They’ve all been excellent.

Television shows always have a place where the characters hang out.
“Friends” had the Coffee Shop.
“The Andy Griffith Show” had “Floyds Barber Shop.”
—And that’s “Majestic Pies.” The Local Hang Out. Where Good Friends meet and enjoy some Great Food.

If you’re in the area, try “Majestic Pies.”

Majestic Pies: Like Love, the Cheese Stretches but doesn’t break.

Cheers Theme:
♪Sometimes you wanna go
Where everybody knows your name
And they’re always glad you came
You wanna be where you can see (ah-ah)
Our troubles are all the same (ah-ah)
You wanna be where everybody knows your name.♪

That’s all for now.

Love you,

