Read My Personal Account of Life With Spina Bifida

My Hobby Table is covered with all the pieces needed to build snow globes.Glitter dust can be seen on the table as the sun’s rays come through the window. I’m experimenting this year with different ingredients to get the glitter to sink instead of float.Clear hand soap seems to work best at getting the glitter…
Read MoreGod put a lot of food on this earth for us to eat, and I do my best trying as much of it as possible.As long as a particular food won’t interfere too much with my Diabetes or my Spina Bifida, I’ll try it. I usually find that I like it, too. You’re asking yourself,…
Read MoreAnother successful Thanksgiving. Guess what? We didn’t eat my Pecan Pies!We just realized it. We thought we did, but we didn’t. See, it turns out that someone else also brought two Pecan Pies, and we all ate those thinking they were the ones I made.Including me. Tonight, after most everyone had left, we found my…
Read More—Thanksgiving Eve 2022— For this Thanksgiving, 2022, I’ve Baked two Pecan Pies.I’m usually the “Ice and Cups” bringer. Not this year, though. Every man should know how to make at least one pie, and the one I learned to make is Pecan. I’ve got the recipe perfected, too. —Listen at me bragging…— But, if you…
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