The Breakfast Club

I’m sitting on the Back Porch relaxing as I type this. 

It is a bit muggy and warm, but it is still a lovely day. 

I can hear Birds Chirping like it was early Morning.

I was invited to eat Breakfast with the “Breakfast Club” this Morning.

I was Excited. It’s an Honor just to be asked.

The “Breakfast Club,” if you do not know it, is very a very distinguished club. —Much like the “Esquire Club.” —It is Top-Notch.

I got up early.

I dressed the way I thought the other Members would like.

I practiced my Public Speaking in front of the mirror in the Bathroom.

“Oh, this is BIG! This is BIG-BIG,” I said to myself as I got dressed.

Now, I cannot talk much about the Club. —Other than it’s pretty Elite. I am allowed to tell you that.

I can also tell you this:

We met for Breakfast. The location is “Undisclosed.” It is always “Undisclosed.”

That’s because the Restaurant opens up early for the Club—and only the Club. 

And, the Club and the Restaurant would prefer to keep the location “Undisclosed” so that no riff-raff appears.

I was in a zone. I had all of my “Talking Points” memorized.

I arrived on time and entered the “Secret Location.”

For Breakfast with the “Breakfast Club,” you can eat anything.

That’s correct. Anything. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Supper, whatever you’d like.

I had a Hot Dog with Fries. Yes, for Breakfast.

Before we “dug in” and ate, Prayer was said.

Then, we dug in.

Small talk was heard while I enjoyed my Hot Dog and Fries.

Everything from Church Meetings to the Braves, and everything in between was Chit-Chatted about.

I looked everyone in the eyes when talking. I shook hands. I hugged a few Members.

I truly enjoyed myself.

Now, some of this may be “Tongue and Cheek.” Some of it may be deadly serious. Some of it might be “Kidding.” I cannot say.

I am now waiting to hear if my “Membership” gets approved to join.

If I do get to go back: the next time, I’m going to get a Double Hamburger, Fries, and a Vanilla Milkshake. Maybe a Chocolate Malt with extra Malt. MMM-MMM.

That’s all for now.

Love you,


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