The Disabled Garden

Over the years, I have enjoyed Gardening. —Small Gardening.

I would get on my hands and knees and plant the Vegetables that I wanted to grow, and then, each day, I’d get the Weeds out of the Garden and Water the plants.
Now, do not think that I’m talking about a Big Garden. No, that’s what my Tot Tot, Dad, and Uncles did. Big Gardens. The type you had to till with a tractor. —My late Brother also had a big Garden.
I, on the other hand, have a tiller add-on for my Weed Eater for tilling my little Garden.

Nowadays, though, I stopped Gardening. I can’t get on my hands and knees anymore. So, I haven’t Gardened for the past several years.

Then, God steps in.

We had a storage building built on the property.

It’s a nice building, but it is up on cement blocks.
There is a three-foot gap from the bottom of the building to the ground.
You’ve seen cars up on blocks. Well, this is the same thing. It’s just a storage building instead of a hot rod.
Mom takes one look at it and says something like, “I’m not having a building up on blocks. Cover that up!” (Thank goodness she doesn’t do Social Media anymore)

So, Papa had a raised Flower Bed built to cover the gap and the blocks. (I hope that made sense)

He told Momma that she could plant some lovely Flowers’ in her new Flower Bed.
Later, though, I ended up saying, “Hey, this is waist-high. I can plant a Garden here and not have to bend over at all.”

Yes. Papa had actually built a Raised-Garden —for me.
“The Disabled Garden” is what I’ve been calling it.
And, don’t think that I took over Mom’s Flower Bed.
I noticed that she hadn’t done anything with it yet, so I asked her if I could.

Anyway, long story short, …I know… …Too late… —I’ve planted a Garden.
I don’t have to bend over at all.
It’s waist-high. I walk up to it and dig a small hole, and plant. Easy.

I’ve planted some Vegetables that I’ve always had good luck with, and I planted some things that I’ve never grown.

Here is what I planted:

—Tomatoes – You can’t plant a garden in the South without planting Tomatoes. Your family will disown you. Your friends will hit you with Tomatoes as you get out of your truck at the local General Store.

—Bell Pepper
—Egg Plant

I may have planted too much; I was excited; It may fill up and become over-crowded.
It’s mostly stuff that Mom likes. The Broccoli is for my Niece and me.
I’ll have to work at it, and it will give me something fun to do.

Now, I’ll probably Journal about it over the next several months. So, please remember, I’m talking about a small garden. Not a big one at all.

I have Eighteen Plants in total.

That’s all for now.

Love you,

