Update 8/14/2024

This past week, I had the honor of seeing a few doctors to see how my Health is.
In general, I’m doing much better than I was.
My urologist wants to go ahead and change out my kidney stents. I usually get them changed out around January, but my doctor wants to go ahead and change them out this coming week. The 21st I believe.

My energy levels have gone way up.
I did not realize just how drained I was.
My doctor said that people get sick, get drained of energy, and don’t even realize how tired they’ve become until after they get better.

I need to update you on the Garden that I planted this year. It’s dead. All dead. It didn’t matter how much I watered it. It all died. We had a Heat Wave, and It couldn’t take the Heat.
I had some Tomato Plants, Squash Plants, Cucumber Plants, and Herb Plants. It wasn’t a big garden but it gave me something fun to take care of.

I can’t imagine having the guts to do what the American Farmer does.
My Aunt and Uncle spoke with a Real Farmer, and he said he had lost over $220k worth of Crops this year. I can’t fathom losing that much of anything.
Every job I’ve ever had came with a set amount of money that I would make whether or not the company did well.
Some jobs were hourly wages, and other times, they were Salaries.

At the beginning of this year’s Planting Season, I spoke to a Farmer and asked how much he was planting for this Season.
I remember him saying he planted 5000 seeds of each Crop.

From Memory, I remember him saying he Planted:

5000 Head of Lettuce
5000 Cabbage
5000 Corn
5000 Squash
And the list went on and on.

Tonight, I plan on attending a Concert at Oak Mountain Amphitheater.
I haven’t seen a concert there in over ten years.
“Creed” is the band I’m going to see.
Back in the 90s, I had front-row tickets to see “Creed” Live at the BJCC (Birmingham Jefferson Civic Center), but I didn’t get to make it that night.
I still have the tickets somewhere.

I hope to write about tonights show. It starts at 7 PM.

And that is all for now.

Love you,

