Updates On Me

I’ve been “dinking” around my room today. It’s a word. For years, my co-workers told me that I made the word up. And I thought maybe I did.
Recently, however, I’ve been watching the TV Show “Cheers,” and the word has gotten used several times.
It could be a word that’s unique to Boston and surrounding States.
And we all watched Cheers in the ’80s and ’90s.
I may use it incorrectly, however. I use it in place of the word “Tinkering.”

I “Dinked” so much at work that if the Server or Network went down, my Co-workers would call and ask, “Are you Dinking with something?”
Anyway, I’ve been dinking today. (Spell check even doesn’t know the word.)

The main thing I’ve been trying to do is get a better signal on my Indoor Digital Antenna.
Papa’s friend told me his Digital Antenna works best sitting on the floor.
That didn’t work for me, though.
Of course, if I hold it in my hand, I become part of the Antenna, which makes it work perfectly.

The only reason I want the Digital Antenna is to get Channels such as MeTV and Antenna TV. I enjoy those channels as well as a few others.
I could pay 7 Dollars a month for the “Frndly TV” app, but why do that when I can get the Channels for free on the Digital Antenna?

I broke down and purchased a Digital Antenna Booster from Amazon today.
Hopefully, that will fix me up.

I have also completed refurbishing a few Snowglobes today as well.
I hope Family and Friends who usually get one won’t be upset if they do not get one this year.

I also made plans to meet my Nephew in Cullman, Alabama, this Tuesday to see the Christmas Lights.
Cullman, if you don’t know, is a German Town.
A lot of the population is of German Descent.
Throughout the year, you can visit many German Markets.
During Christmas, however, they have a big Christmas Parade and a Christmas Market called the “Christkindlmarkt.” It’s the German word for Christmas Market.

The Market has an outdoor Ice Skating Rink, a Kinderplatz, which is German for “Santas Village,” with many things for the kids to enjoy, and a Christkindl Express, which is a train for the kids.
A Carousel is also available.
The biggest thing for me, though, is the Weihnachtspyramide.
I agree that it is a difficult word to pronounce, but in plain English, it’s a giant Christmas Pyramid.
It’s lit up with lights made to look like Candles.
At the top is a fan that turns.
We have a miniature one here at the house. It sits on the table.
You light Candles, which creates heat, making the fan at the top spin around.
The Weihnachtspyramide is the largest in North America and stands at Forty Feet Tall.

I’ll post a link to all of this so you can get a better understanding.
I’m looking forward to going.
Cullman is also where I lived for many years and did most of my growing up.
So, the town is special to me. That’s Tuesday Night.

Tonight, I’m going to a Walk-Through Living Nativity.
It’s put on by Cross Roads Baptist Church, which is a local Church.
You walk through and hear the Story of Christ’s Birth through His Crucifixion and Ascension into Heaven.
Live animals such as Sheep, Donkeys, and Camels are part of the show.
Actors play the parts.
At the end, you can go inside the Church for Hot Chocolate, Coffee, Cold Drinks, and Snacks.
There is also singing inside the Church, and everyone has the chance to be saved.
It’s a great site to see, especially during Christmas.
I’m looking forward to it. That’s tonight.

As for now, I’m going to grab a bite to eat from the Fridge.

That’s all for now.

Love you,

