
I’ve been listening to “Tom Sawyer” on Audible and reading “Catcher In The Rye” on paperback.
So, it’s no wonder I’ve been reflecting on my Childhood and reminiscing.

Hearing about “Tom Sawyer” and the H-E-Double Hockey Stick he put his Aunt through brings to mind us three boys and our Mom.

At any given time, I could run into the house, hollering, “Momma, Momma!” and shove a dead squirrel right into her face and say, “Cook this for me, please!” …Bless her heart.

In no particular order, I know my Mom has cooked the following for us boys. —Turtles, Squirrels, Doves, pigs, rabbits, Crawdads, Bream, Catfish, and many other “creatures” that we brought into the house.

I don’t remember the Pig we had as a “pet.” I was too young.
I’m told my late brother “Tony” would ride on its back.
One day the Pig was gone. When my brothers asked where it was, Dad said, “I traded it for some bacon.” A pretty smart response if you ask me. No one was the wiser.

Life was Wondrous and Fantastical back then.
I would spend hours playing in a Stream that ran beside our house.
To me, it was a roaring Creek running through a Rain Forest.
It was teeming with Wild Life.

At some point, though, life became less Wondrous. Less fantastical.
I wish life would stay magical.
I miss that feeling. I miss being curious.
I miss doing things like following a Stream all through the woods, searching for its starting point. I never did find where it started, by the way.

It’s sad.
I miss that. I do.
Mostly, though, I miss that kid.
