June 1st 2024

It’s minutes into June 1st of 2024.
I woke early—a few minutes past midnight—with a headache.
Not a bad headache. Just bad enough to wake me up and keep me from falling back to Sleep.
I get my Laptop out to Journal.

I have been sick the past week with “Thrush” and yeast infections.
My Body seems to have now won that fight. I even had Solid Food for Lunch and Dinner—very little. Still, though, it was Solid, and I did get filled up.

My weight before getting sick was 205 pounds.
I know because I had seen a doctor the week before and got weighed during that visit.
My weight today, though, was 182 pounds. I wouldn’t recommend losing weight this way.
The Thrush in my mouth hurt so badly that I could only eat Soups and Soft Foods such as Mashed Potatoes.
Today, though, I had a Burger and Fries.
I couldn’t finish it all, but I did get filled up.

I plan to make myself a steak and baked potato to eat tonight.
For now, though, I’m watching “The Golden Girls” and waiting for my Headache to get better so I can drift back off to Sleep.

“The Dawgs” are both sleeping on their Dogbeds.
One Snores while the other makes “Whimpering” Sounds as he sleeps.
I wonder what he might be dreaming as I listen to his “Whimpering.”

My Headache wasn’t improving, so I decided to drive to the bottom of the hill and get something to drink.
“Maybe the attendant will have a story to tell,” I think to myself.
I put my clothes on and head to the bottom of the hill.

I-65 runs by the Gas Stations at the bottom of the hill, bringing a lot of “Out of Towners” to the Stations to fill up on Gas.
During this time of year, most people are either heading to the Beach or heading home from the Beach. Tonight, it looks like everyone is headed home from the Beach. I know this because most of the Customers are Sunburnt.

I get a drink and stand in line.
In line, I listen but don’t hear any interesting conversations.
At the counter, the attendant looks too tired to talk. I pay my bill and head back to my vehicle.

I’m now back at home, and my Headache seems to have subsided.
I tell “The Dawgs” Goodnight and go back to Sleep. But only after posting this.
