
I’ve just sat down after a long day.
A good day, yes, but long.

I streamed “Murder She Wrote” on my TV, and “Mrs. Jessica Fletcher” is still solving murders and writing books.

I did my laundry. I still have a load in the dryer.
On my bed, crumpled up in one big pile, are my white undershirts and socks.
I’ll have to fold them up or move the pile to my recliner and work on ’em tomorrow.

I cooked Hamburgers for the first time today.
I think they turned out well. They were a bit thick, but I think they were good.
To give you an idea of how thick they were, 2 lbs. made five patties.

I salted and peppered them, as well as put some garlic powder on them.
The more I make them, the better I’ll get. FYI, watching videos on YouTube did not help.
A dear friend gave me a recipe for burgers; the next time I make them, I’ll use that recipe.

“Otis” joined the other “Dawgs” today in the backyard.
I had been slowly introducing him into their “Pack.”
They seem to have accepted him.
He and Tommy played well together, so I figured the other two “Dawgs” would accept him; they did.

So, I’m tired.
I’m going to sit here and watch “Mrs. Jessica Fletcher” solve a murder before getting ready for bed.

That’s all for now.

Love you,

