Spring Break is over at our house.
We had two weeks of it.
One Niece was out the week before last, and the other was out last week.
So, I got a break from driving one Niece to and from school.
This morning, though, that all changes.
The regular schedule starts back today.
Yesterday, I made Breakfast for lunch.
Breakfast is extra good for lunch or supper. You should try it.
I scrambled eight eggs, making the meal cost over forty dollars, fried bacon, and sausage.
Then, using the oil left over from the frying, I made Milk Gravy.
It’s made by adding flour and milk to the leftover oil in the frying pan—salt and pepper it to taste.
The biscuits were out of the can.
I have a friend who makes her biscuits by hand: the dough and all.
“Cat Head” biscuits, they’re called.
Aside from the biscuits, she’d be proud of the meal I made.
I got up at 5 AM this morning and took “Tommy the Dawg” for an early morning drive. It was raining out. Still, Tommy put his head out the window. I imagine the rain felt like little BB’s hitting his head as I drove through the rain.
Once back home, I took my shower.
It’s now 6:50 AM, and I’m about to take Niece Number Two to School.
Tommy is sitting at my feet.
That’s all for now.
Love you,